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Afghanistane Ami Allahke Dekhechi

Author: Maulana Ubaidur Rahman Khan Nadvi

Publication: Rahnuma Prokashani

Subject: Islamic history and tradition

Pages: 208, Cover: Hard Cover



220 ৳ 400 ৳ 45% ছাড়

Afghanistan, known as the "graveyard of empires," has been the target of several military superpowers throughout history. One such superpower was the Soviet Union. However, the Soviets faced severe defeats at the hands of Afghan Mujahideen, defeats that left scars they could not easily forget. They were astounded, wondering what power enabled the Afghan clerics to resist their vast, modern arsenal with such basic weaponry.

The Soviets became desperate as they witnessed the courage and heroism of the Afghan Mujahideen. Finally, one day, the answer came from a French journalist, who said, "I saw Allah in Afghanistan!"

During the Afghan jihad, twenty million Muslims were martyred, and sixty million Afghans were displaced, fleeing to Pakistan and Iran as refugees. Despite such immense losses, the Mujahideen never gave up. Their fierce resistance ultimately forced the Soviet Union to retreat in defeat.

The book, I Saw Allah in Afghanistan, is a collection of stories about the miraculous assistance of Allah witnessed on the Afghan battlefield. For many years, due to various pressures, this book could not be published. However, Alhamdulillah, the latest complete and expanded edition has finally been released by Rahnuma Publications and is now in the hands of readers.

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