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Islamic Aqeedah

Author: Professor Dr. Khondoker Abdullah Jahangir Rah

Publication: As-Sunnah Publication

Subject: Iman and Akidha

Pages: , Cover: Hard Cover



385 ৳ 550 ৳ 30% ছাড়

Our belief is that salvation and tranquility in matters of Aqeedah lie in strictly following the Qur'an and Sunnah, without deviating from the views of the Sahabah, Tabi'in, and the renowned four Imams. The Hadiths that were present during the first three blessed generations and authenticated by prominent Hadith scholars should be the primary source of guidance for pure Aqeedah.

In the Bengali language, there are very few books available that are simple and accessible for readers interested in learning about Islamic Aqeedah. In this regard, the book by the eminent scholar Dr. Khondokar Abdullah Jahangir is a valuable addition. This book explains Islamic Aqeedah in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah and has been widely accepted by all. We hope it will also serve as a useful resource for Bengali-speaking readers, providing answers to their queries on Aqeedah, Insha'Allah.

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